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    A person figure illuminated by neon blue and red lights
    DisConnect: Breaking Attitudinal Barriers
    Mar 02, 2023
    Attitudinal Barriers are one of the lesser considered, but most detrimental, accessibility barrier types on...
    DisConnect with Lotus
    DisConnect with Lotus
    Feb 02, 2023
    We are starting a new disability series: DisConnect with Lotus. Every week we will keep...
    We Are a Techstars Portfolio Company
    We Are a Techstars Portfolio Company
    Jan 17, 2023
    We are thrilled and honoured to share that we are one of the 10 companies...
    Lotus on Superpowers4Good Podcast
    Lotus on Superpowers4Good Podcast
    Dec 31, 2022
    Lotus founder and CEO, Dhaval Patel, was honored to be invited onto the Superpowers for...
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